Internet Domain Ownership Certification and Service Record
<><>The domain named above is owned by:

<><>Graham Cripps, Karl-Valentin-Str. 16, 84524 Neuoetting, Germany.
Tel +49 8671 886040 graham @ surfacevision . com

<><>Domain Whois Record:

<><>Registrant: Julian H. Stacey, ____________, ________, ______, _____, DE
Domain Name:
Administrative Contact:
Julian H. Stacey (__________), ____________, ________, ______, _____, DE
phone: +49.89________ jhs @ mx . berklix . com
Technical Contact:
J H.ulian Stacey (__________), ____________, ________, ______, _____, DE
phone: +49.89________ jhs @ mx . berklix . com
Record updated on 24-Aug-2004
Record expires on 07-Aug-2005
Record created on 08-Aug-2002

<><>Domain History / Notes:

<><>JHS registered domain on behalf of owner. Owner’s new business supported with free net services, registering configuring building runing & providing user support for domain services inc DNS MX HTTP FTP Login etc.
Mon, 4 Oct 2004
JHS wrote automatic mirroring added.

<><>For conditions pertaining to domain services:

<><>Julian H. Stacey, (contact info per Internet Whois record for